ISO 9001:2015


PVC Drainage Pipes

PVC Drainage pipes are grey un-plasticized pipes, pre-socketed for solvent cement gluing and are available in 3m and 6m lengths. Complete range of PVC fittings (elbows, tees, reducers, etc.) can be used to accomplish installations. The assembly is solely achieved by solvent gluing.  


  • Corrosion: Protected from all types of corrosion.
  • Water tightness: Pipe walls as well as solvent cement joints are completely watertight and they do not allow any seepage or leakage of waste waters.
  • Installations: It is very easy to install as they can be cut easily onsite without the need of any sophisticated material. Simple, quick and consistent installations are made possible using the wide range of available fittings. Exceptional hydraulic qualities.


PVC Drainage pipes and fittings are used to collect, assemble and convey domestic effluent and rainwa­ter from within the buildings.